ReplaceMany Method

Wintellect PowerCollections

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Replaces all values associated with key with a new collection of values. If the collection does not permit duplicate values, and values has duplicate items, then only the last of duplicates is added.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public bool ReplaceMany(
	TKey key,
	IEnumerable<TValue> values
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function ReplaceMany ( _
	key As TKey, _
	values As IEnumerable(Of TValue) _
) As Boolean
Visual C++
bool ReplaceMany (
	TKey key, 
	IEnumerable<TValue>^ values


The key to associate with.
IEnumerable<(Of <TValue>)>
The new values to be associated with key.

Return Value

Returns true if some values were removed. Returns false if key was not present in the dictionary before Replace was called.

See Also